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MGH CASI Early Career Pilot Awards

Application Deadline: Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 5PM EDT

2023 Applications Closed

The Mongan Institute Center for Aging and Serious Illness (CASI) supports innovative, transdisciplinary research that leverages MGH’s and the broader community’s strengths to improve the well-being of older adults and those with serious illness. 


The Early Career Pilot Awards in Aging and Palliative Care will support innovative applied clinical research or clinical implementation pilot project(s) (T3-4) focused on improving the evidence base for aging or serious illness care. This award will fund initial pilot work to provide data and planning for an externally funded, full-scale project grant (e.g., K award, R01, PCORI etc.). Applicants who hold a full-time faculty appointment in any MGH Department, are pursuing a research career, and meet the eligibility criteria below are encouraged to apply.

Award Amount: Each award is $50,000 per year, plus 20% indirect costs. 

Project Period:   September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024.

2023 Applications Closed

The Chong Jin Park Innovative Early Career Pilot Award in Aging and Palliative Care
Description: The Chong Jin Park Innovative Early Career Pilot Award in Aging and Palliative Care will support research focused on achieving health equity and improving the lives of older people and or those with serious illness through research in population and health care delivery science. 

The Ki Sub Joung Innovative Junior Faculty Pilot Award in Aging and Palliative Care

Description: The Ki Sub Joung Innovative Junior Faculty Pilot Award in Aging and Palliative Care will support research focused on improving the lives of older people and or those with serious illness, with an emphasis on the care of those living with cognitive impairment or their caregivers.



  • Applicants must have a full-time MGH faculty appointment at the start of the award and during the entire award period. Applicants must not yet have reached the level of Associate Professor (e.g., Instructors and Assistant Professors) at the time of the award start date.

  • Applicants from any MGH Department are eligible to apply.

  • Faculty, including those who will be expecting an MGH appointment by the anticipated award start date of September 1, 2023, are invited to apply.

  • Collaboration across Departments, Divisions, Research Units, and the Hospital, as well as partnerships with community-based organizations are strongly encouraged.

  • Women and UiM candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.



Applications will be evaluated by a committee of faculty appointed by the Center for Aging and Serious Illness. Candidates will not be provided with critiques of their application. For both awards, pilot awards will be selected based on the merit of the science and the likelihood of the candidate to contribute to the mission and work of the Mongan Institute Center for Aging and Serious Illness. NOTE: For the Ki Sub Joung Award, preference will be given to pilot proposals addressing important research questions touching on the care of those living with dementia and/or their caregivers.



The following four items must be included:

  1. Project title

  2. Layperson's summary of your research work (200 words)

  3. Cover letter (1-page limit), stating the nature of appointment at MGH, describing independent accomplishments, and discussing expected career goals.

  4. Letter of reference from supervisor or mentor

  5. Project or Research Plan: (4-pages for items a – g listed below, single spaced limit not including references, 11-point Arial font with 0.5-inchmargins)

a.    Specific aims

b.    Background/significance
c.    Innovation
d.    Approach
e.    How the pilot will contribute to future funding
f.    Timeline & milestones
g.    Identified mentor whose role and commitment to mentoring is described in the project or research plan.
h.    References (no page limit)
i.    Budget and Budget Justification (see template here)*
j.    Biosketch in NIH format*
k.    Human subjects/IRB plan (1 page)*


*Note: References, NIH-format biosketches, budget and budget justification human subjects/IRB plan, and approved protocols do not count towards the research plan's 4-page limit. Appendices other than survey examples or interview guides are not allowed.



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