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Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program
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Cara McDermott, PhD, PharmD, MSc

Scholar, 2022

Dr.   Cara McDermott is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics,   at Duke University School of Medicine. She has a K23 award from NHBLI on   deprescribing fall-risk increasing drugs among multimorbid adults with COPD.   Her research focuses on identifying gaps in healthcare delivery and using   implementation science to adapt and assess evidence-based interventions. Dr.   McDermott works to optimize medication use, improve symptom management, and   reduce unwanted healthcare use among older adults with multiple chronic   conditions, with a particular interest in improving outcomes for patients   with cancer, COPD, or dementia and their caregivers.  She is   particularly interested in improving shared decision making in this   population and medication deprescribing for adults with serious illness. In   recent projects, she investigated ways to improve end-of-life care from the   perspective of bereaved caregivers and care delivery gaps leading to unwanted   healthcare utilization at end of life for patients with multimorbidity. She   completed a T32 postdoctoral fellowship with the Cambia Palliative Care   Center of Excellence at the University of Washington and a K12 with the   University of Washington’s Implementation Sciences Training Program.

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