Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program
Elizabeth Luth, PhD
Scholar, 2022
Dr. Elizabeth Luth, PhD is an Assistant Professor-Tenure Track at the Institute for Health, Healthcare Policy, and Aging Research and faculty in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health in the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Her research focuses on health disparities, health equity, dementia, and caregiving experiences in the context of palliative and end-of-life care. She has published on racial and ethnic differences in end-of-life outcomes for persons with a dementia diagnosis, including live discharge from hospice, care intensity, and care quality. Dr. Luth is currently funded by the NIA to develop and pilot test an intervention to help home hospice nurses and social worker improve care and support for family care partners of persons living with dementia. She hopes to continue to develop and test practical interventions to improve care delivery and outcomes at the end of life.