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Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program
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Elizabeth Rhodus, PhD, MS, OTR

Scholar, 2023

Elizabeth Rhodus has a PhD in Gerontology and is an occupational therapist with specialization in dementia care and care provider training.  Elizabeth is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and her position is supported by a NIH T32 grant focused in translational research in Alzheimer’s disease. Her clinical care and research have been focused in geriatric rehabilitation, behavioral management in dementia care, sensory-based assessment and intervention, and environmental aspects related to behaviors associated with dementia.  Elizabeth values meaningful and empathetic care provision for older adults. She appreciates the importance and need for evidence-based care practices to maximize quality of life and the lived experiences of people in last stage dementia. Her future work will focus on development of interventions for older adults who wish to age in place despite living with dementia.

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