Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program

Masako Mayahara
Scholar, 2022
Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN, is an Associate Professor and Associate Chairperson in the Department of Community, Systems and Mental Health Nursing at Rush University College of Nursing. She is a certified hospice and palliative nurse and a clinical expert in pain management in hospice. Her research focuses on the facilitation of pain and analgesic management by hospice caregivers. Dr. Mayahara worked systematically with caregivers, hospice care providers, and a software company to develop a digital pain diary (e-PainSupport) for hospice patients and caregivers. Dr. Mayahara is currently principal investigator on a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Institutes for Nursing Research to test the effects of e-PainSupport in home hospice. She is also a co-investigator on a National Institutes of Health R01 grant to test the effects of an online grief management intervention for dementia caregivers (PI: Dr. O. Paun) and a National Institutes on Aging R01 grant to adapt and pilot test an efficacious advance care planning intervention with patients with mild dementia and their surrogates to promote discussions about end-of-life care (PI: Dr. M. Song). She currently serves on the board of directors for the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association.