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Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program
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Suzanne S. Sullivan, PHD, MBA, RN, CHPN

Scholar, 2022

Dr. Suzanne S. Sullivan is an assistant professor in the School of Nursing at the   University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Her program of research   focuses on developing novel approaches for identifying, communicating with,   and supporting persons with advanced serious illness and their family   caregivers in planning and preparing for end-of-life care, including   supporting transitions to community-based palliative and hospice care   services. Dr. Sullivan’s interest in dementia caregiving stems from her   experience working in home health and hospice programs as a Certified Hospice   and Palliative Care Nurse (CHPN) where she witnessed the influence of social   determinants of health on caregiving burdens and patient outcomes,   particularly in relation to end-of-life caregiving. Dr. Sullivan has   specialty-training in the analysis of large, population-level datasets using   machine learning approaches, where she is able to contribute nursing   knowledge to the development of predictive algorithms that support clinical   decision making and improve health equity. Through the Dementia Palliative   Care Clinical Trials Training Program (Dementia PCCT), she seeks to translate   her algorithmic work for timing palliative communication interventions into   approaches for improving caregiver confidence in serious illness   communication and reducing decisional conflict and psychological distress for   dementia caregivers residing in the community.

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