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Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Program
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Stephen Bartels, MD, MS
Program Faculty


Stephen Bartels MD, MS is the inaugural James J. and Jean H. Mongan Chair in Health Policy and Community Health, Director of the Mongan Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. The Mongan Institute serves as the academic home for 13 centers and over 140 research faculty and research fellows at MGH dedicated to training and research in population and health care delivery team science aimed at achieving health equity and improving the lives of people with complex health needs. The Mongan Institute bridges research spanning data science to delivery science, and evaluative science to implementation science including a variety of disciplines and methods such as epidemiology, predictive analytics, cost-effectiveness, health policy, decision science, health disparities, health intervention and implementation research. Although the Mongan Institute is based in the Department of Medicine, it includes health services researchers in affiliate departments across MGH including the Department of Psychiatry, Surgery, Pediatrics, and others. (See )

Dr. Bartels has authored over 360 publications mentored over 50 early career investigators and over the past two decades he has led a highly productive research group developing, testing, and implementing interventions focused on complex health conditions and health disparities, co-occurring physical and mental disorders, health care management, health coaching, health promotion interventions for obesity and smoking, aging and geriatrics, automated telehealth and mobile technology, population health science, applied health care delivery science, and implementation science. 

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